Chrome extension active user count stats

Active user stats image

Chrome extension user count max out at 10,000,000 users. Only 27 extensions made it to this - which is 0.02% of all extensions in Chrome Web Store.

Most Chrome extensions do not perform so well. In fact, 83.90% of all Chrome extensions have less than 1,000 active users. Only 0.28% Chrome extensions have 1M+ active users.

Note that there are a few extensions where the user count stats are hidden. For example, Gmail and Google Play Music. We classify them under the "0 users / hidden user count" category too.

Here are the active user counts break down across 176,740 items in Chrome Web Store.

Break down by # of active users
Number of active users in an extension

At the publisher level (looking at the sum of all active users across all extensions owned by an publisher), we also see that it is extremely difficult to become successful at building Chrome extensions. 79.76% of all publishers have less than 1,000 active users. Only 0.44% authors have 1M+ cumulative active users.

Here are the active user counts break down across 113,130 authors in Chrome Web Store.

Cumulative # of active users
Sum of active users for all extensions by a publisher