Chrome extension rating stats

Rating stats image

User ratings are very important to Chrome extensions in Chrome Web Store. Higher user ratings + number of ratings will look more trust-worthy to users, which will in turn lead to higher downloads. Satisfied users will also be less likely to uninstall the extension, leading to higher user counts over time.

Surprisingly though, we found that 40.16% have 0 ratings. Even more surprisingly, some of them have a lot of users! Many of the highly used but unrated items are themes or new tabs, but a few other extensions also stand out. Explore the chart/table below to find out more!

Break down by ratings
Breakdown of extensions by average ratings
0 stars 72,389
1-1.99 stars 3,606
2-2.99 stars 4,860
3-3.99 stars 16,247
4-4.99 stars 35,471
5 stars 47,671
Break down by rating count
Breakdown of extensions by rating count
Author's average ratings
Average ratings across all extensions by a publisher
0 stars 38,587
1-1.99 stars 2,095
2-2.99 stars 3,088
3-3.99 stars 10,862
4-4.99 stars 23,127
5 stars 33,684