Cost of driving in Google Maps

Cost of driving in Google Maps

Automatically show the cost of rides by your vehicle in the Google Maps' list of routes based on the current average fuel price.

Historical stats trends for Cost of driving in Google Maps
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Stat Value 1-day change 1-week change TrendsExport
User count 760 ▼ -7 ▲ 10
Average rating 3.67 - -
Rating count 6 - -
Category / Keyword Position 1-day change 1-week change Keyword Difficulty TrendsExport
Overall 32819 ▼ 111 ▲ 175
Workflow & Planning 4251 ▼ 7 ▲ 15
cost keyword 10 - - 6
google maps keyword 19 ▼ 1 ▼ 2 26
maps keyword 22 ▼ 5 ▼ 4 23
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