Head Soccer Unblocked

Head Soccer unblocked for school with this browser extension. Relish 1 on 1 Soccer unblocked for free!

Head Soccer Unblocked is available for download. It had 3,863+ users before it was removed from Chrome Web Store on 2021-03-16, and it has been downloaded from Chrome-Stats 63 times. The latest version is 1, and it was published 5 years ago. Be careful when installing it.

View source code
Total download count: 63 (Only count downloads from Chrome-Stats)

All available versions

You can find the current and older versions of Head Soccer Unblocked here. You can download the archived versions or inspect their source codes.

As a free user, you can only download the latest version.

Upgrade to download older versions
Version Download Size Download count Timestamp
1 ZIP ยท Source code 1.61M 63 2019-09-18

Install ZIP file

  1. Download and unpack the Head Soccer Unblocked ZIP file to a directory of your choice.
  2. In Chrome browser, go to chrome://extensions
  3. Enable Developer mode.
  4. Click on the Load Unpacked button.
  5. Select the directory of with the unpacked Head Soccer Unblocked ZIP file from step 1. Head Soccer Unblocked is now installed on your browser.

Similar extensions

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