GPTZero: AI Detector and Writing Verifier
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Extension summary
GPTZero is used and trusted by millions of educators and institutions and recognized by The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.
The GPTZero Chrome extension allows you to scan text to check if it was written by an AI or a human. You can use the extension on any website, either highlighting and right-clicking text or copy-pasting text into the Origin text box.
On Google Docs, the extension allows writers to prove they created their own work. We combine AI detection with the powerful ability to replay your document edit history and share a report verifying the human involvement during writing.
📝Google Docs Writing Report
- Detects ChatGPT, GPT-4, GPT-3.5, GPT-3, and other AI language models.
- One-click AI Detection -- no copying and pasting required
- Highlights areas of text that are most likely AI generated
- Watch the writing process: See edits to a Google Doc in a time-lapse fashion
- Detects if content was copy-pasted from an outside source i.e ChatGPT
⚡️Using our extension is easy, and installation takes seconds.
- Click "Add to Chrome".
User reviews
- Effective tool for detecting AI-generated content and assisting in academic integrity
- User-friendly interface and integration with Chrome makes it accessible and convenient for teachers
- Offers detailed evaluations that help teachers assess student work and identify potential AI usage
- Allows right-click functionality for quick scanning of text
- Regular updates and reliable performance enhance its usability
- Inaccuracy in detection leads to unfair punishment for some students
- Subscription plans and payment issues reported by users, causing frustration
- Limited number of detections available even for paid plans, which can be annoying
- Compatibility issues with certain websites, limiting its effectiveness
- Breaks website functionality and accessibility tools for some users
- Accuracy of AI detection and reliability issues
- Payment and subscription confusion
- User interface and ease of use
- Limitations on detections causing frustration
- Integration with Google Docs and right-click functionality for ease of access
User reviews
Extension safety
Risk impact
GPTZero: AI Detector and Human Writing Verifier requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
GPTZero: AI Detector and Human Writing Verifier has earned a good reputation and can be trusted.
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