Gainsight Assist

Access Gainsight email templates and easily sync emails to Timeline directly from Gmail to save time & effort in your day.

Total ratings

1.85 (Rating count: 46)

Review summary

  • When it works, it provides useful functionality for logging emails and associating them with accounts.
  • The search feature for accounts to associate email threads is appreciated by some users.
  • The idea of the extension is well-conceived, aiming to streamline CSM workflows.
  • The extension is frequently unreliable, disappearing often and requiring multiple reinstalls per week.
  • The latest update introduced a cumbersome process requiring more clicks and making it less intuitive compared to earlier versions.
  • There are constant syncing issues with Gainsight, leading to inefficiencies in users' workflows.
Most mentioned
  • The extension often disappears, leading users to have to uninstall and reinstall it multiple times.
  • The recent updates have made the email logging process more complicated and time-consuming than before.
  • Users are frustrated with the lack of automatic logging for emails, which was a desired feature.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.10
All time rating average: 1.85
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57% (30)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Georgia Sibley
en I’ve been using this extension for 18 months and have to reinstall it almost every week.
en Same as everyone else. Useful when it works, but it's so unreliable. Have had to uninstall and re-install 2-3x+ already which is so needlessly time consuming
Andrew Furze
en Constant problems with syncing back to Gainsight. Feels like it works for two days and then something else breaks. Garbage.
Julia Pineda
en GS what is going on? You are making us more inefficient at our job. 1. when sending a new email, a user has to click ADD THIS EMAIL TO TIMELINE every single time, any reason it doesn't default to have that box checked off? 2. I have to install and uninstall the chrome extension about 2-3x per week just to get it to work. 3. When dealing with Multi-locations, you all don't sync emails to all locations just one which is time consuming for the user to go back into GS to edit the message and add the rest of the companies associated. 4) when replying to emails, users have to make sure to click the company/relationship + click on add. Any reason this doesn't sync automatically to the proper account? Users can just make sure the account is correct instead of adding more and more clicks to our workflow.
AJ Patwa
en Absolutely terrible and unusable after the previous update.
Grace Massey
en Not a fan of the new plug in. The slider gets in the way of writing emails and blocks a portion of your text which I haven't found a way around yet. And the pop-out when associating emails with accounts has really bad formatting and shows up with windows that are oddly layered. Also not a big fan of the multiple clicks to complete what used to be a much more simple action.
Brian Asher
en Don't want to just pile on but the updates to Gainsight Assist (multiple clicks to log emails) has essentially made this unusable.
Tobias Collison
en What have they done!? Adding clicks and complexity to a simple request of logging an email. It's already frustrating that is isn't fully automated Since the awful update - the extension constantly disappears. How could such a big company get it so wrong
Lee-El Lewinsohn
en Horrible extension- the new email log in option is more clicks and just doesn't make sense- this should be a built in feature that doesn't require any manual work- you could definitely learn from Churn Zero. In addition the extension "disconnects and disappears" literally every single day, requiring us to go into the extension, manage, update and reload the email browser- this is ridiculous.
Sophie Hurst
en I lead a CS team and every member of the team has complained about the new GS Assist extension for Gmail. They have to proactively remember to open it (rather than it being a check box near the 'send' button like before), and it takes at least 4 clicks to do what once was 1, so they're not proactively adding emails to timelines which is a big risk for us.
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