Trace GPT AI Detector by
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Extension summary
Find out whether the text is human-written or AI-generated with our ChatGPT Detector and be confident in the web content's authenticity.
Browse safely 🔒by using a secure AI Writing Detector and ensure the posts on blogs or social media, reviews on the websites, and web texts are human-written. An accurate and free AI Detector Chrome Extension becomes handy in your everyday browsing, teaching, or business routine.
Just select the text you want to check on the webpage and launch our AI Detector Chrome Extension, or paste your text in the Extension window to get an accurate, reliable result in no time.
How you can benefit from Trace GPT AI Detector:
💡Rely on the real 97% accuracy with extremely low false-positives 💡Catch popular AI generators, including Google Bard and ChatGPT 💡Get convenient and clear reports in one place 💡Download a pdf report to share with others 💡Check your texts for FREE
How to use:
See moreUser reviews
- The Chrome extension is convenient and makes the checking process easier without needing to switch between applications.
- Users appreciate the comprehensive and clear reports that help them understand AI detection results.
- It is useful for educators and recruiters to identify AI-generated content in students' assignments or job applications.
- There are frequent false positives, incorrectly indicating that original work is AI-generated.
- Some users expressed disappointment in the tool's accuracy and expressed concerns about its bias and training.
- The extension seems unreliable for some users who have questioned if their writing style may be misidentified.
- The tool reported original content as AI-generated, leading to frustration among users.
- Users find value in the Chrome extension for checking content for AI generation.
User reviews
Extension safety
Risk impact
Trace GPT AI Detector by requires a few sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
Trace GPT AI Detector by is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this extension.
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