
东半球最好用的二维码(条形码)识别器! 主要有以下两个功能: 1、识别当前页面所有的二维码(条形码),并识别结果,展示到页面上。 2、你可以在特定图片上右键识别当前二维码(条形码)。
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Stats history

Stat Value 1-day change 1-week change TrendsExport
User count 249 ▲ 5 ▼ -1
Average rating 5.00 - -
Rating count 2 - -

Category / keyword ranking history

Category / Keyword Position 1-day change 1-week change Keyword Difficulty TrendsExport
Overall 51322 ▲ 329 ▼ 464
Developer Tools 7863 ▼ 711 ▼ 746
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