TeX for Gmail

Use LaTeX (a method for rendering mathematical formulas) with Gmail.

Total ratings

4.62 (Rating count: 369)

Review summary

  • Works flawlessly for most users
  • Makes typing formulas and LaTeX equations much easier
  • Renders equations beautifully
  • Integrates nicely into the Gmail UI
  • Very convenient and saves time for users
  • Extension may not work after recent Chrome updates
  • LaTeX equations disappear when sent and not seen by recipients
  • Some users report slow performance for longer expressions
  • Cannot copy-paste formatted formulas without disappearing
  • Limited support for complex formulas and certain commands
Most mentioned
  • Concern about extension being removed or unsupported in the future
  • Issues with LaTeX equations disappearing when emails are sent
  • Need for improved documentation and support for more complex expressions
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.62
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Rating filters

5 star
77% (114)
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7% (11)
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4% (6)
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3% (5)
1 star
9% (13)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Michael Oehrtman
en This is a unique and incredibly useful extension. It works flawlessly. I hope they find a way to update it to work after the recent Chrome update!
Timothy Hsu
en This extension is the greatest thing since sliced bread!!! Why is it being removed? What "best practice" could this possibly be violating?
Alex Yuffa
en So sad to learn that this extension will be removed. It's very convenient to be able to do latex equations in email with ease. Does anyone know of any replacement?
a “alex5956” m
fr est ce qu'on pourrait avoir une documentation , je ne comprends pas comment elle fonctionne même en cliquant sur l'icône , est ce que l'extension fonctionne avec la dernière version de chrome ?
Erick Martinez
en I love this extension. I am really sad to learn it will be removed from chrome 😢
Yi-Hao Chen
en This is my one of my favorite extensions, but recently I saw it on the list of future unsupported apps. Hope that this can be resolved.
Lucas Castro Martínez
es Las cosas básicas funcionan, pero si quieres poner un color distinto o algunas funciones de formato no funciona cuando el servidor de imágenes está en "WordPress". Por ejemplo $$\frac{kJ}{{\color{Red}mol}}$$ no funciona Debes ir a opciones y seleccionar "Codecogs"
Emily Hawkes
en The message looks wonderful when writing the draft, but as soon as the message is sent, all LaTex equations disappear, leaving blank spaces where there should be maths...
Haotian Wei
en It was okey but now not responding anymore...
Yang Liu
en Amazing extension and exactly what I wanted for such a long time! One thing I would not have imagine is that the rendered inline TeX equations are horizontally ALIGNED with the rest of the text, which is a MAGIC solution to writing TeX commands in any mails. One suggestion to improve this TeX4Gmail solution for high-dpi (which is a wide-spreading trend, 2K on mobiles/PCs and 4K on desktops) is fetching images of 600% scale factor (from CodeCogs or WordExpress) and downscaling it correspondingly. I did it by customizing the downloaded extension and adding an additional option of "upscaling 600% and downsizing to fit the text". It's a pity that Gmail has not support SVG even in 2022, where almost all other browsers (web and clients) have supported as shown here https://www.caniemail.com/features/image-svg/. Otherwise, this extension could be easily adapted to support rendering SVG format of TeX for Gmail, which is the ultimate solution I am looking forward to.
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