
Lower RAM and CPU load by unloading idle tabs

Total ratings

3.70 (Rating count: 169)

Review summary

  • Helps speed up browsing experience
  • Simple and effective functionality
  • No need to manually unload tabs
  • Tabs tend to refresh automatically, causing disruptions
  • Issues with idle time detection and compatibility, especially with Workona
  • Losing all tabs or tabs not opening after restoration
  • Requires pinning tabs for exceptions, no alternative option available
Most mentioned
  • Tabs refreshing automatically
  • Loss of tabs or tabs not functioning after restoration
  • Need for exceptions by host functionality
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.80
All time rating average: 3.70
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15% (17)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Annie Chang
en Really helps speeding up but somehow the tabs tend to refresh automatically over a certain time period which interrupted the meetings, videos and events that take time even when I pinned the tabs. Hope you can fix it soon.
Elvin Agha
en Request: exclude by domain feature would be nice to have
Lucas C. Flores
en This is even better than what I was looking for, since I don't have to manually unload anything. Suggestion: Add exceptions by host, like do not park or, etc. Sure I could just pin them, but then it would be a nice feature for those who heavily uses tab groups. For example, my tab group about communication has 5 different tabs, and I don't want any of them pinned.
Bhaskarjyoti Gogoi
en Simple and effective.
Joshua Lai
en There is a serous bug with the idle time detection.
Pierre Marchessault
en I LOST ALL MY TABS: I am a workona user. I don't know if it's attributable to this but I see all my tabs but when I click on them, or even click GO BACK, nothing happens. I have the feeling I lost all my tabs in this current Workona folder! I had the feeling they might be incompatible! BEWARE!
James Kelly
en To the developers I say you did a great job! This app was extremely helpful to speed up my browsing experience. I would absolutely give it five stars except for one thing. The only way to make an exception to a tab is to pin it.  I would like to see another option such as right click so that you can cherry-pick which tabs you want to be exempt without having to pin it. I'm not a developer but this doesn't seem like so difficult. After that I think it deserves 5 stars!
David Roussel
en This is a bit of a spyware as the so called "memory save" pings a google cloud server ( see )
Дмитрий Першин
ru После выхода компьютера из Сна, оперативной памяти нет совсем, буквально 1-4 мб, всё зависает. Приходится убивать хром. Далее запускаю Хром, нажимаю "Восстановить", вкладки возвращаются, но половина не открывается. Кнопка Go Back не работает! НАФИГ! удалил и не советую никому
beanarts design
en After installing it I get a "back" button that does nothing, and re-loading the tab after closing (to try again) results in a url sayin DON'T INSTALL THIS! I wish I never did.
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