Site Blocker

Block access to any site on your device

Site Blocker - Chrome Extension

Site Blocker is a free Chrome extension that allows you to block certain websites, helping you protect yourself from inappropriate content and increase productivity. Easily block or unblock websites with a few clicks. Surf the internet safely and focus on what matters most.

Extension stats

Users: 6,061+
Rating: 4.11
Version: 1.4 (Last updated: 2023-03-06)
Creation date: 2021-09-17
Manifest version: 2
  • <all_urls>
  • storage
  • webRequest
  • webRequestBlocking
Size: 236.54K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

Save your time, protect yourself and improve your browsing experience with absolutely free site blocker. This extension allows you to block certain websites. It pretty useful if you want to protect your children or just if you want to shield yourself from inappropriate content. Block website you want just in a few clicks. Site blocker may also come in handy if you dont want to be annoyed by a certain website. In that case you just block site and forget about it. The extension is a real productivity tool that denies access to websites you dont want to see. Surf the internet safely! Block website and keep working on your main tasks without being distracted. Click on the extension icon in the right upper corner of the chrome and open the app. Then you just paste the website address into the corresponding field and block site. You can also instantly use the url from the current chrome tab. Removing a website from the list is also pretty easy – one click and done. This new site blocker extension is pretty simple but pretty useful app. Focus on what matters most and dont get distracted. This extension is going to help you increasing your productivity at workplace. Easy to install, easy to use and absolutely free extension specially for you! Dont hesitate, install and feel the improvement.

User reviews

Its very easy to use, and its free.
by Projgamer, 2023-01-16

super easy and free compared to other website blockers, totally recommend
by akyelus, 2023-01-11

works great but it dosen't block porn hub
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

Site Blocker requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk impact analysis details
  • Critical Allows access to all websites, posing a significant security risk as it can monitor and modify data from any visited site.
  • Critical ****** ****** ** ******* ***** ***** *** ** **** ** ***** **** ******** ****** *** ******** ********** * ******* ********
  • High ******* ******* **** *** ****** ***** *** ***** ** ******* **** ********* ********* ** * *********** *****
  • Low ******* ****** ** *** ********* ********
Risk likelihood

We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Site Blocker. Use it at your own risk.

Risk likelihood analysis details
  • Critical This extension is not longer available in the store
Upgrade to see full risk analysis details

Similar extensions

Here are some Chrome extensions that are similar to Site Blocker: