Drift Email

Drift lets you automatically greet prospects you email with a personalized message when they’re on your site.

Total ratings

4.72 (Rating count: 18)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helps track email sends and opens
  • Integrates meeting scheduling within emails
  • Enhances engagement with recipients in real-time
  • User-friendly and handy functionality
  • Provides valuable tracking of conversations
  • Frequent bugs and issues with functionality
  • Repetitive update prompts
  • Spotty availability
  • Inconsistent performance reported by users
Most mentioned
  • Spotty availability
  • Tracking email opens and clicks
  • Meeting scheduling feature
  • User pride and team effort in development
See reviews for Drift Email on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.29
All time rating average: 4.72

Rating filters

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71% (5)
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14% (1)
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14% (1)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Wayfaring Wanderer
en I used to love this extension for tracking opens and link clicks but it has been so buggy this year. Sometimes, it's not even working or showing in my email drafts but when it is working it keeps repeatedly asking me to update the extension over and over again. It's getting a little annoying. I have since starting using a new extension that is working more consistently.
Bonnie Tinder
en As with much of the Drift product, the availability is spotty.
Robert Boerrigter
en disclaimer: I work at Drift. Great extension to help you track email sends/opens, keep track of conversations in Drift, add meeting blocks to your email and a ton more!
Jay Lavin
en Love the functionality of Drift. Very cool product with great results. Anyone looking to increase quality conversations, with true prospects, would be foolish not to immediately install Drift!
Vivek Khandelwal
en Looks good. Works great. Extremely handy.
craig daniel
en Amazing! I'm in product at Drift and excited to share this with everyone
Jake Shobin
en Drift Email is so helpful! With this extension, I can engage the people i've sent an email to in Real Time! I work here @Drift and have helped work on the extension. Very proud of our team for rolling it out!