Peek-a-tab, Tabs Manager for Google Chrome™

Search, preview, jump across, and close tabs quickly in your chrome browser.

Total ratings

4.34 (Rating count: 183)

Review summary

  • Simple and effective
  • Great for multitasking and tab organization
  • Useful for finding and managing multiple tabs
  • Issues with tab previewing and closing
  • Unwanted red notification jewel
  • Limited customization options
Most mentioned
  • Simple, effective, and recommended
  • Tab count appears as a red numeric notification jewel
  • Issues with tab previewing
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Peek-a-tab, Tabs Manager for Google Chrome™ on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.34
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6% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Kalvin Drake
en I love this extension and have been using it for years. I do like the look and feel of the new release. However, didn't the previous version show tab previews simply on MouseOver rather than MouseClick? Clicking isn't really a "preview", is it? It's basically a "selection. For me, removing the MouseOver greatly diminishes the value of the extension, as it becomes essentially the same as the built-in Vertical Tabs. Thank you for all your effort!
Ashley Meyer
en Was wonderful to me for years but now your tab count appears as a red numeric notification jewel. Kinda greedy interface move, totally unnecessary yet no way to turn it off. No I don't want the illusion of MORE notifications. I want peace and organization that's why I installed a tab organizing tool. Uninstalling this extension because red notification jewels that don't go away are unacceptable.
Alessandro Cheguevara
ru Очень удобно, двигаясь по списку в окне допа, видеть смену вкладок в окне браузера. Недостатки: нет темной темы (окно допа светит, как прожектор), и не работают гор. клавиши вызова Альт+Спейс (должна быть возможность их переназначить). Даже и не знаю, оставлять или нет.
yaniv pur
en I FOUND BUG! when 'search in page' (ctrl + f) is open on one of the tabs, the extension crashes. beside that it's very good extension!
Dan R
en Have been using this for a few years now. Simple, effective, functional, recommended.
Wojciech Żuk
en I have a request to the developer, please add feature to move tabs inside window.
Vivek Sharma
en It is a very good extension for people who does multitasking and switch multiple tabs at a faster speed
Rogerio M. Souza
en Excellent! Working fine!
Pridify Gaming
en Simply an invaluable extension to solve my messy tab clutter with 200+ tabs spanning several windows. Great job :D!
Ye L
en i like it, but 'alt+space' does not work.
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