Task and Notify

Easily add recurring Task-Reminders. To use the "Task and Notify" extension, - Click on the extension icon in the browser toolbar…

Task and Notify: Recurring Task-Reminders

Task and Notify is a Chrome extension that allows users to easily add recurring Task-Reminders. It provides a convenient way to manage tasks, receive notifications, and boost productivity.
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Extension stats

By: Raheel
Users: 39
Version: 1.0 (Last updated: 2023-07-24)
Creation date: 2023-07-24
Risk impact: Low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 3
  • alarms
  • notifications
  • storage
Size: 59.08K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

Easily add recurring Task-Reminders. To use the "Task and Notify" extension,

  • Click on the extension icon in the browser toolbar to open the popup.
  • Add new tasks in the popup by entering the task name and selecting the desired notification time.
  • Tasks can be set for specific times and will recur daily if not manually deleted.
  • Click the "Submit" button to add the task to the list.
  • The extension will notify you with a popup and sound alert when the task's time arrives.
  • Manage your tasks in the popup, including deleting unnecessary ones.
  • Access additional settings by clicking on the gear icon in the popup to open the settings popup.
  • Customize the theme, font, font size, and time format in the settings popup according to your preferences.
  • Click the "Save" button in the settings popup to apply your customizations. Enjoy the convenience of task reminders and notifications to boost your productivity! Note: If a task is added and not deleted, it will automatically recur every day at the same time.

Extension safety

Risk impact

Task and Notify requires very minimum permissions.

Risk likelihood

Task and Notify has earned a good reputation and can be trusted.

Upgrade to see risk analysis details

Promo images

Task and Notify small promo image
Small promo image

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