
This is a very wet theme! The calm, cool serenity of this rolling stream is exactly what the world needs these days. enough…

Stream - Calm and Serene Chrome Theme

Stream is a Chrome extension that provides a wet theme featuring the calm and cool serenity of a rolling stream. It offers a break from politics and worries, allowing users to take life slowly and enjoy their time.
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Extension stats

By: Ian Mann
Users: 44
Rating: 3.75
Version: 1 (Last updated: 2013-01-03)
Creation date: 2013-01-03
Risk impact: Very low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 2
Size: 6.67M

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

This is a very wet theme! The calm, cool serenity of this rolling stream is exactly what the world needs these days. enough politics. Enough worry. Take life slowly, and enjoy the time you have left in your life. make fifty years take the time of 100.

Image by Andrew Karpov.

If you liked this theme, then click on my name above, and discover more!

[I am not affiliated with anything other than this photo on Andrew Karpov's site. If there is any offense taken in any of his photos, don't contact me. Thank You.]

User reviews

Very nice. Good job. :)
by Liliana Roman, 2014-10-24

This theme is soothing. Very nice.
by April Gunsallus, 2014-01-26

I can hear and feel the water! Thank you for a beautiful theme :-D
by I BikeNYC, 2013-05-12
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Extension safety

Risk impact

Stream does not require any sensitive permissions.

Risk likelihood

Stream has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.

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Promo images

Stream small promo image
Small promo image