Ian Mann
Publisher summary
Ian Mann is a Chrome extension publisher. Its Chrome extensions have reached 10,221+ users.
Users: 10,221+ (Average
Rating: 4.22
Total published extensions: 98
Published Chrome extensions
98 results. Page 1 of 4.
Striped Kitten 3
This is Another amazing kitten theme! He is sooooooo cute! Just look at that little tongue!
For more of my themes, click my name…
Green Stream
Who new that moss-covered rocks would look so cool underwater? This is a great theme for everyone!! :)
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"Miles of dark waters lie before us..." ]
Actually, only a couple of feet, but dark either way! Beautiful combinations of bluish…
Water Flower
This is a staggering High Definition theme! This perfect color mix of natural pink, soft purple, and leafy green will have you…
Evergreen Bow: Winter
Burrrrrrr!!! this is a VERY COLD theme! I get the shivers just thinking about it! this snowy day is the type of day where the first…
Frog Pond
I wonder if that little guy new he was being photographed. He's just sitting there for you to enjoy on this perfect theme!
Cherry Blossom
This is a wonderful theme of the pinkest of pink flowers! It comes with a high quality, but little data usage for those of us who…
Orange Kitten
This is another kitten that is SO CUTE!!! This Photo was contributed by Andrew Karpov. (I don't know how he does it, but he always…
Midnight Aurora
This brilliant theme has the brightness of light aurora, with the shadow of night! Nature sure is a wonderful thing!
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Rocky Shores
This is a rocking theme:) With Rocks, crashing waves, foam, water, and blue skies Who wouldn't want this landscape!
(Image by…
Playful Cat
This playful cat has an image for photo! (My cat does too! if you said "pose", she'd roll over and pose!:) ) The way this image is…
Angel Cat
This tiny kitten is a perfect little angel! It would love to be on your chrome! I hope you love this theme!
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Image By…
Wheat Fields
This is a theme with a golden touch! I just love a true farmers work ethic, and this theme proves that hard work pays off. Now, for…
Aquarium Shark
"Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..."
That's all this guy does day to day, night to…
This is a fiery theme that will get you up close and personal with the flame! Watch as the fire slowly eats away at the wooden…
Ocean Sunset
This is a peaceful, serene ocean theme, with a perfect view of the sun's light reflected off the Atlantic's waters. I hope you…
Corvette Stingray
This theme is of a VERY famous car: the corvette stingray! I do apologize for the people in the pictures. Their faces are blurred…
Striped Kitten
This is a third CUTE kitten that is so PRECIOUS!!! This Photo was contributed by Andrew Karpov. (I don't know how he does it, but…
This is a great theme with a cool array of sun shinning out from the leaves!
For more of my themes, click my name above:)
Leaf Drops
This is a splendid image with a great, readable task bar! It will fit on most resolutions, and it is a high quality! Enjoy!
Fractal Flower
This is a brilliant theme with a photo by Catalin Lungu! This photo captures the essence of a flower with the awesomeness of photo…
Pontiac Symbol
This is a familiar Pontiac shape to car fans! I hope all you Pontiac lovers enjoy this theme!
For more of my themes, lick my name…
This is a great theme! It comes with and easy to read task bar, a great image as a background, and a simple, low power design for…
Fall Theme
This is a perfect fit for this fall season! A warm orangeish theme with a hint of winter. I just love the fall season!
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Violet Flower
This is a great theme for less graphically advanced monitors. It is colorful, lower quality (even though it still looks great), and…
98 results. Page 1 of 4.