QuizWhiz+, The Original AI Homework Helper

Ace all quizzes and tests, guaranteed. The original & most accurate AI study assistant. As seen on TikTok.

QuizWhiz+, The Original AI Homework Helper

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Extension stats

By: QuizWhiz
Users: 115
Rating: 3.67
Version: 0.1.0 (Last updated: 2023-11-02)
Creation date: 2023-10-10
Risk impact: Low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 3
  • scripting
  • activeTab
  • storage
Size: 99.76K

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Extension summary

Introducing the ORIGINAL QuizWhiz™️ https://quizwhiz.org 🌟

Tackle your last-minute homework and exam queries with confidence.

This cutting-edge solution harnesses the power of AI to accurately provide correct answers for your quizzes, tests, and homework, ensuring a 100% success rate.

No longer will you need to invest hours in tedious memorization or guessing games. QuizWhiz seamlessly integrates with popular learning platforms such as Canvas, Blackboard, and McGraw, allowing you to access its capabilities without leaving your study page.

QuizWhiz also offers screenshot functionality so that you can capture any question from any site and receive an instant answer ⚡️

As seen on Tiktok 📲 (be wary of imitators like quizwiz, studybuddy, and other apps. Always read reviews before you decide on a study assistant).

QuizWhiz operates discreetly and guarantees plagiarism-free results. If you're seeking a fast and confident path to academic excellence, QuizWhiz is the ideal companion for your educational journey.

User reviews

by Tessa Esma, 2024-08-02

pretty great
by Jayme Kratky, 2024-04-12

Doesnt work. You also duped my entire Site, Website, and UX/UI. I will be contacting lawyers if you continue to infringe on my design
by Oliver Brocato, 2023-11-17
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

QuizWhiz+, The Original AI Homework Helper requires very minimum permissions.

Risk likelihood

QuizWhiz+, The Original AI Homework Helper has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.

Upgrade to see risk analysis details

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