Reviews of Boomerang for Gmail

List of user reviews and ratings for Boomerang for Gmail

Total ratings

4.11 (Rating count: 1,951)

Review summary

  • Effective email tracking and reminders
  • User-friendly scheduling tools
  • Increases productivity and organization
  • Long-time usability and trust from users
  • Saves time on follow-ups and task management
  • Some features duplicate existing Gmail tools
  • Confusing overlay/tutorial pop-ups during first use
  • Concerns about user privacy and data security
Most mentioned
  • Email tracking and follow-up reminders
  • Scheduling capabilities for meetings and emails
  • Overall usefulness and efficiency in managing emails
  • User satisfaction and long-term usage
  • Desire for mobile access without a separate app
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 4.11
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Rating filters

5 star
68% (411)
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7% (42)
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4% (23)
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9% (53)
1 star
12% (75)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Henri Stephanou
en I have used it for years and I love it. It is so practical. Mail to calendar is such a huge feature!
E.G. Sebastian
en Absolutely LOVE IT! I'm using it daily, at least 30 times. Priceless. Great for emails you want to make sure you follow-up on; or for low-priority emails to return to you at a later date; and for much more. especially for those who don't want to invest in a fancy CRM, Boomerang is a great way to stay on top of your connections.
Beth Sandig
en I've used Boomerang for years now and love it! It's fantastic for follow-up; it's what keeps me sane!
Jessica Jimenez
en I have been using Boomerang for 5 years now and I cannot imagine life without it. It only continues to get better! :]
John Murphy
en Great little tool. Love the tracking and the reminders to myself. Love it!
Jamie Bernardi
en Tracking emails that you don't get a response to will make you a productivity boss. It's just one less thing to think about. This app lets you do it simply and cheaply. Bravo.
Lynn Johannesen
en I cannot say enough about boomerang. I have always thought that Gmail should have a way to track the emails because a lot of the emails go to people's spams account and this way you can track it and see if they're actually opening it and send a another response as well. And having the option to then the letter later works because you might think of something that you want to send someone and then have to add stuff to a letter and then you have to rewrite it and add to it or whatever. Do not take this option or any of these options away please continue to add things into the Gmail account system it's the only one I use and I would not trade it for the world.
Stanko Metodiev
en I use this tool daily and find it indispensable. One improvement I'd love to see is the ability to access the same feature on mobile without requiring a separate app, though I understand the reasoning behind this limitation. That said, the ability to schedule emails for later or set reminders for follow-ups is a must-have for anyone who relies on email for work. This feature significantly enhances productivity and ensures nothing falls through the cracks.
Ashwin Muthiah
en I've been using boomerang for over 10 years. It is simply a phenomenal tool. My workflow has completely changed since starting to use it a decade ago, and I am an avid lover and fan of it. If you want a productivity game-changer, Boomerang is it. It helps you clear your brainspace (so important), so you can focus on the most critical things.
Devorah Hildie Henderson
en This tool is a productivity gamechanger. As an executive, it allows me to stay on top of a vast array of items I'm moving forward, while keeping my mind clear and focused on what matters most. I can boomerang back requests I've made at the exact time to request follow-up if not responded to/completed, I can boomerang back tasks or matters I need to consider in the future at just the right time. This keeps work moving forward seamlessly, while keeping my mind free and clear to focus on deep work (do read the Cal Newport book, which can literally change one's career trajectory) and work that will truly change the trajectory of the company. It allows me to perform at a high level and execute so many things, without mental exhaustion or endless distraction. It could not be more worth the investment.
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