What is SERP-Highlighter?
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Extension summary
While searching a query or a keyword in search engines, we often search a relevant site, which takes a lot of time. By using our highlighter extension, you can quickly find the site you're in search of. Moreover, This extension can highlight your website's domain to find the SERP ranking for a particular keyword.
For Instance
You want to find your site's ranking for a keyword like "Kesha Net Worth", or you need a trustworthy site to get accurate information; suppose your site's domain name is "thelistli.com." After that, the SERP highlighter will highlight your domain in search results.
How to use SERP Highlighter?
By using the following steps, you can use our highlighter extension:
Step 1: Download the extension and pin it to your browser's bar menu. Step 2: Add the domain name in the search bar that you want to highlight in SERP.
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Extension safety
Risk impact
SERP-Highlighter requires very minimum permissions.
Risk likelihood
SERP-Highlighter has earned a good reputation and can be trusted.
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