Google Docs Dark Mode

Dark mode for Google Docs!

Total ratings

3.41 (Rating count: 1,244)

Review summary

  • Helps reduce eye strain, especially in low light environments.
  • Easy to install and works as intended for some users.
  • Allows toggling between different dark mode settings (black or grey backgrounds).
  • No ads present in the extension.
  • Inverts colors rather than providing a true dark mode, affecting text and image visibility.
  • User interface can look blocky or unappealing after applying dark mode.
  • Some buttons and features become difficult to see or use effectively in dark mode.
  • Not functioning properly for many users, with some reports of no response from the extension.
Most mentioned
  • Does not provide a true dark mode, acts mostly as a color inverter.
  • The background often turns grey instead of black, which is not ideal for many users.
  • Works well for some users, especially to reduce eye strain at night.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Google Docs Dark Mode on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.41
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Rating filters

5 star
32% (364)
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20% (229)
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14% (161)
2 star
11% (122)
1 star
22% (252)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Xavier Lage
fr sa ne marche pas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beth Ellis
en Works great!
Crow With Rights
en This litterly just inverts the colors on the doc. This addon also affects anything on the doc and inverts the color of it from pictures to highlights/text color. ratining 1 stars since the doc texniclaly is "dark mode" but am seriously unsatified with everything else.
Thomas Giles
en Makes the background a middle grey instead of actually dark. And the text is left black, so it's hard to see--instead of the expected white.
en not working for me
Kainen Nightshade
en Chef's kiss. Looks great and is easy on the eyes.
en It's a bit funky with the doc tabs on the left but works fine otherwise
David Semeniuk
en not bad but not good enough
Jeremy Hunter
en Doesn't work.
en not working. clicked extension but nothing happened.
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