
Product Analysis for Walmart Sellers! Calculate profitability and gain insights. Use our historical data and sales estimations to…

Marter: Product Analysis for Walmart Sellers

"Marter" is a Chrome extension designed for Walmart sellers to calculate profitability and gain insights using historical data and sales estimations, helping businesses make informed decisions. With features like a profit calculator, sales patterns, and verified reviews, it streamlines product analysis, enhancing the seller experience. Enjoy a user-friendly interface and responsive support, all while starting a 7-day free trial to explore its innovative functionality.
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Extension stats

Users: 3,000+
Rating: 4.20
Version: 2.28 (Last updated: 2025-01-22)
Creation date: 2024-04-21
Risk impact: High risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 3
  • activeTab
  • contextMenus
  • scripting
  • storage
  • tabs
Host permissions:
Size: 861.18K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

Product Analysis for Walmart Sellers! Calculate profitability and gain insights. Use our historical data and sales estimations to make the best decisions. Helping Walmart Sellers save time and money effortlessly.

Marter features:

  • Profit Calculator: Easily calculate your expected profit and ROI with our automatic profit calculator, which includes the fees!
  • Historical Data: Use our price and estimated sales history data to make more informed decisions.
  • All Current Sellers & Verified Reviews!

Comprehensive Data Insights: Get detailed info about how products are doing on Walmart. See sales patterns and price patterns, so you can make smart choices to grow your business.

Easy to Setup:

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User reviews

Unfortunately I've only had nothing but problems. From constant "login" errors to "refresh and try again" with that doing nothing, too forever "loading" on the extension, I can't ever get this to work when I really need it too. I want it to work seamlessly but i never get it to work. I have to always deactivate the extension, sometimes even to delete and reinstall the extension just to run into the other problems i always encounter. Maybe it's my end but shouldn't be a problem as other extensions work just fine for me. Until they fixed the issues i have to leave it at a 1 star because it's not working at all.
by Anthony Nguyen, 2024-07-11

This tool is amazing and a must have for any Walmart sellers!
by Mark Christiansen, 2024-06-21

Best tool out rn for Walmart arbitrage sellers! -Cody Does Walmart
by Cody Mccarson, 2024-05-31
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

Marter requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk likelihood

Marter is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this extension.

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Promo images

Marter small promo image
Small promo image

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