Marter: Product Analysis for Walmart Sellers
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Extension summary
Product Analysis for Walmart Sellers! Calculate profitability and gain insights. Use our historical data and sales estimations to make the best decisions. Helping Walmart Sellers save time and money effortlessly.
Marter features:
- Profit Calculator: Easily calculate your expected profit and ROI with our automatic profit calculator, which includes the fees!
- Historical Data: Use our price and estimated sales history data to make more informed decisions.
- All Current Sellers & Verified Reviews!
Comprehensive Data Insights: Get detailed info about how products are doing on Walmart. See sales patterns and price patterns, so you can make smart choices to grow your business.
Easy to Setup:
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Extension safety
Risk impact
Marter requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
Marter is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution when installing this extension.
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