Kanban Tasks for Google Workspace

Kanban Tasks for Google Workspace

A curated suite of Google Workspace Tools to supercharge your productivity!

Total ratings for Kanban Tasks for Google Workspace
4.67 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for Kanban Tasks for Google Workspace on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Kanban Tasks for Google Workspace
Recent rating average: 4.67
All time rating average: 4.67
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jeroen van Duffelen
Jeroen van Duffelen
en I've been testing this plugin since its inception. Love how this integrates with the Google mail interface. Finally no context switching to other tabs and tools. The extension is in development but already offers a full feature set and I have been using it for day-to-day task management over the past 3 months. It's getting better every release! Two amazing features I really love: - dragging e-mails to task boards - easily managing my day-to-day tasks by dragging them to "today" or "this week" 4 out of 5 stars because I am eagerly waiting for team sharing... once this feature is implemented I will make it a 5 star review!
Jonathan Holden
Jonathan Holden
en I've been hunting for a good-looking Kanban for Google for a LONG time. Mostly I've been using Trello, which is great. But having something built into my Google workflow is just brilliant. It's early days, and the app is free at the moment, so it's easy to recommend trying it. And the developer is open to feedback (built into the app!) so let him know what you're missing.
Anuraj SL
Anuraj SL
en This extension is a game-changer! My Google Tasks are now a visual Kanban board, making it easy to visualize and prioritize. Drag-and-drop keeps me organized and motivated. Highly recommend!