UnQuote for Gmail

Unquote text of previous mails from the reply

Total ratings

3.18 (Rating count: 11)

Review summary

  • The extension works sometimes and is helpful in removing quoted text when it does function properly.
  • The creator of the app updates it regularly in response to issues.
  • It addresses a common issue with quoted text in email replies.
  • The extension does not work consistently, leading to reliability issues for users.
  • When it does work, it replaces the whole message with the signature and quoted text, which is confusing for recipients.
  • Attachments are not reliably removed, which can cause additional issues.
Most mentioned
  • Reliability of the extension is a major concern; it works sometimes but often fails.
  • Issues with how the extension handles signature and quoted text in replies.
  • The extension does not remove attachments in replies.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for UnQuote for Gmail on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.18

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Joe Kay
en I'm sure it works for some, but not me. on BRAVE Version 1.73.97
David Collins
en Does not seem to be working again.
Jack Lev
en It works and it seems that the creator of this app is updating it every time when it does not work. Thank you!
Gabriele Facciolo
en Unfortunately, it seems that in may 2022, this plugin does not work anymore.
Tomas Beblar
en Tested in 2020-12-17 and it does not seem to work.
Dhruvil Mehta
en Ok, it works, but it is weird since it doesn't remove the quoted text. It just replaces your message, and your signature as the quoted text so its weird to the person on the other end. If you could fix this I would happily give 5 stars. It does remove the quotes text though.
Ralph Hancock
en It works sometimes but can't be relied on. When it does work, it seems mostly to remove the text of the incoming message but not to remove attachments, which are sent back to the person who sent them originally. It should certainly be made to remove attachments reliably. This is a promising extension doing something that needs to be done, but it needs more work to make it reliable. I have Windows 10 v 1909 and Chromium v 79.0.3945.130 64-bit, but this problem has affected earlier versions. It is possible that it is the wildly unreliable Windows 10 that is causing the problem rather than the extension.
Tom Jeanne
en This is not a feasible solution. If you paste any text at all into the reply box in Gmail, it breaks. The quoted text is still sent with the reply. Since pasting is a fundamental function and used all the time in Gmail, this extension is useless.
Alessandra MacDonald
en Can you create a version for Inbox?
Vikas Gautam
en If you like the extension, please share it with everyone. Have any suggestion or wanna comment, please use review and support sections. Cheers!