Citrix Workspace

Citrix Workspace app for ChromeOS

Total ratings

3.19 (Rating count: 2,435)
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Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.19
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18% (25)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Annette Alvarez
en Consistently good
anshul mathur
en Stable and much reliable as compared to AWS
Viswanathan Ravichandran
en The old version was great, the new version is making life harder. there is no support for dual screen and when we click ALT+TAB it is coming out of the app. full of disaster for crome os laptop users
Alberto Strazzabosco
en Great work. Please get some information (like an "about windows") in the login scree, so we can understand what we have installed without open connection.
Prasad Regula
en thanks for supporting in chrome. but I am always facing issue with keyboard keys switching of the spl chars.
Justin Brower
en So many annoying things with each interaction. "Just a moment, we're detecting if Citrix Workspace App is already installed." gotta click already installed, gotta wait, click ok, gotta download a file then open it. WHAT"S THE POINT OF THIS PLUGIN?!?
Real Guru
en love it, very secure and efficient
Helvi Naruseb
en Mine is working perfectly
en had broken multi monitor but Citrix support was outstanding fixed the issue a few hours after i reported this via email. Working perfectly fine on Thank you!
felicia glover
en Hello To Everyone, I have spoken to IT twice to try and screen share to obtain the Microsoft Word document on my Chrome OS, and still haven't received the help I need for the installation. Thank you kindly in advance. My best, Felicia Glover
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