Keepin' Tabs – tabs manager

Manage your tabs.

Total ratings

4.48 (Rating count: 92)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very clean product, designed well, does the job spectacularly
  • Intuitive UI helps in managing tabs effectively
  • Good visibility of site logos and domains
  • Useful features such as close tab, refresh, and fix tab
  • No dark mode or light mode options for dark themes
  • Moving tabs can be cumbersome and doesn't allow scrolling
  • Limited functionality, especially searches only within the active window
  • Usually slow to open and sometimes has issues with loading
Most mentioned
  • Dark mode is needed
  • Cumbersome tab movement
  • Intuitive UI
  • Slow performance
  • Limited search functionality
See reviews for Keepin' Tabs – tabs manager on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.48
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jason Rubenstein
en Tried a few of these, and the only one I liked - Super easy to understand and use right away. - Navigates to the already open tab, rather then opening a new tab with the same origin as the other one. Great job!
ja Edgeの垂直タブよりも見やすいので、便利。 欲を言わせてもらうと、 - どのタブう現に開いているタブがが分かりやすく表示されるとありがたい。 - この拡張機能のアイコンの色目が目立ちにくいので、コントラストに配慮してほしい。
Olavi Murto
en + OK design - Moving a tab is cumbersome. You can only move it as far as you see the list when you start holding. You can't hold and scroll, because the new slot where it drops it is left behind. Also holding the tab in the top or bottom edge won't scroll the list. I thing both should be possible, but neither is. - Slow to open - Usually around 80% of website icons are forgotten and not shown. Makes it more difficult to find the tab you're looking for - Search bar should be open and selected when you open the list - Doesn't work with Chrome's Tab Groups - I don't like the fact that hovering over a tab title hides the title and shows the URL, and after 1sec it shows a popup with title and URL. I'd prefer the URL to only show in the popup. But that might be just a preference, so maybe a setting for it? - No dark mode
Samuele gg
it Icona poco visibile sulla barra per chi utilizza temi scuri, assente un contatore di schede sull'icona sulla barra. Ottima estensione e una delle migliori in circolazione, interfaccia ampia con tutte le informazioni in chiaro con apertura di una finestra pop-up; gli aspetti positivi sono molti: loghi visibili dei siti accanto alle schede; visibilità del dominio al passaggio del mouse sopra i titoli; presente il contatore della finestra; 2 modalità di visuale dell'elenco; presente una barra di ricerca, il riordino delle schede (e di eventuali gruppi di schede) in ordine alfabetico (assente la scelta tra crescente/decrescente). Infine presenti i tasti: chiudi scheda, aggiorna e fissa scheda (molto utile). Nel complesso l'estensione è indispensabile. Hardly visible icon for those using dark themes, no tab counter on tray icon. Good extension and one of the best out there, wide interface with all the information in clear text with pop-up window opening; the positive aspects are many: visible logos of the sites next to the tabs; domain visibility on hover over titles; window counter present; 2 list view modes; present a search bar, the reordering of the tabs (and any groups of tabs) in alphabetical order (absent the choice between ascending/descending). Finally present the keys: close tab, refresh and fix tab (very useful). Overall the extension is indispensable.
Дмитрий Дмитриев
Долго заружается
Дмитрий Дмитриев
ru Долго заружается
samuele gg
Manca la modalità dark/light per chi utilizza temi scuri o l'opzione per cambiare la tonalità dell'icona e sarebbe comodo avere anche un contatore sull'icona dell'estensione. It lacks the dark / light mode for those using dark themes or the option to change the hue of the icone and it would be handy to have a counter on the extension icon as well.
Gabriel's Ladder
Very clean product. Designed well. Does the job spectacularly. Looks like it is a feature which came with Chrome originally, that's how well it's made. Indispensable.
Facts Machine
en Very clean product. Designed well. Does the job spectacularly. Looks like it is a feature which came with Chrome originally, that's how well it's made. Indispensable.
Rogerio M. Souza
Working very good! Thanks!
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