What is TweetCred?
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Extension summary
TweetCred is a real-time, web-based system to assess credibility of content on Twitter. The system provides a credibility rating between 1 to 7 for each tweet on the Twitter timeline. The score is computed using a supervised automated ranking algorithm that determines credibility of a tweet based on 45 features. The system considers various factors to determine the credibility, such as, the tweet content, properties of user who posted the tweet, external URLs or pictures shared in the tweet, etc.
Credibility score: 1 (low credibility) - 7 (high credibility)
Please help us in evaluating and testing the system.
System developer: Nilaksh Das
User reviews
Extension safety
Risk impact
TweetCred requires a few sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
TweetCred has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.
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