Reviews of Ultrawidify

List of user reviews and ratings for Ultrawidify

Total ratings

3.38 (Rating count: 307)

Review summary

  • It used to work perfectly before the recent update
  • The developer has put a considerable amount of effort into the extension
  • It worked fine in Plex and has been appreciated for its prior functionality
  • Many users respect and appreciate the author of the extension
  • Some users have found workarounds that still allow basic functionality.
  • The latest update caused various issues including video shrinking and resetting settings
  • Does not automatically apply default settings anymore, requiring manual adjustments for each video
  • It interferes with other sites like Netflix and Crunchyroll
  • Many users have reported high memory usage and multiple instances running
  • The UI changes in the latest update are often described as unnecessary or problematic.
Most mentioned
  • Recent update broke functionality
  • Request to roll back to the previous version
  • The extension is slow or causes lag
  • Problems with automatic video stretching
  • High memory consumption and performance issues
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 3.38
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Rating filters

5 star
44% (111)
4 star
12% (31)
3 star
5% (14)
2 star
11% (27)
1 star
28% (72)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en It works
pt otimo
Igor Santos
en I started having several play issues with all sorts of media - including WhatsApp audios! - for no apparent reason, besides severe freezes when viewing videos on the browser. Today I looked into the Task Manager for Vivaldi and this "simple" extension was eating half a gigabyte of memory, with more than 10 instances. Killed it all and restricted it to, praying this will fix my issues.
Ewerton Alves
en Used to be perfect until version 6.2.1 when stopped working on Vivaldi alongside Enhancer for YouTube. On Brave still works but it's an older version, and I still need to stretch manually. I don't know what happened, but seems a broken extension now. It's sad.
Thiago Ávila
pt Reverta a atualização por favor, a aplicação ficou quebrada!!!
nas 333
en best extension!!! to author very big respect !!! very good/
Mikhail Burkasov
en Revert the update please
C. Patton
en Please go back to the original version. The update is totally broken. It is even interfering with websites where I am not using ultrawidify. Please make the good version available. If you fix it I will come back and give you five stars. Why have you allowed the bad version to run for weeks?
Titi Antonietti
en The update killed the app. It's garbage now. It was THE best one around. The deal breaker is that it randomly shrinks the video for no reason, it never updates nor saves your preferred settings and adds an useless ui to the media player.
en Please rollback to the previous version or solve the problem.The best extension I have ever used.
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