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Extension summary
Upload images (gif/jpg/png) and videos (webm/mp4) to PicFlash.org - up to 100 MB each file, also remote upload is supported.
A free account at https://picflash.org is required in order to make use of this Addon and a API-Key, which you get automatically after signing up on Picflash.
You can upload local files as well as making remote uploads to Picflash. You find the API-Key in the settings panel on Picflash.
You can upload local files as well as using remote uploads to Picflash.
Support for pic2up: https://ngb.to/threads/105183-Pic2up-Das-Picflash-Uploader-Browser-Add-on
German support for Picflash.org at https://ngb.to/forums/97-PicFlash-org
Extension safety
Risk impact
pic2up requires a few sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
pic2up may not be trust-worthy. Avoid installing if possible unless you really trust this publisher.
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