Reviews of PDF Editor

List of user reviews and ratings for PDF Editor

Total ratings

4.31 (Rating count: 13)

Review summary

  • User-friendly and easy to use.
  • Free to access with no ads.
  • Great for editing and annotating PDFs.
  • Helpful for educators and students.
  • Saves time when working with PDFs.
  • Some tools are awkward to use, like highlighting and erasing.
  • Initial trust issues due to browser protection warnings.
Most mentioned
  • Convenient for editing PDFs.
  • Useful for adding notes and annotations.
  • Valuable for academic purposes.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.31
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Andrew Dabrowski
en Seems to be a steal of Annotate PDF.
en This is underrated. I'm a teacher and I use this for marking the online work from my students. Tried out a few but they limited you to a few documents a day unless you had a paid subscription. This was absolutely gold for me. Just one recommendation that I have - Could you please add checkmarks and crosses on the tool bar? It would really save us educators. Thank you!
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Nhật Quang Trương
en Good
en Pretty legit. Was sceptical at first especially with the warning it isn't trusted by the browser protection software I have but it is as it looks. It's easy to use, the style is nice and simple on the eyes, and there aren't any pop ups because the write a review message is in the bottom right corner, a subtle reminder but not in the way of anything. Using the writing tools is a little awkward however, such as highlighting and erasing where rather than a brush you have to drag a rectangle over what you want edited but it's probably for the best since it makes the editing look neater and tidier. Overall, it's worth giving a chance, even if it does look suspicious (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
Raze VorteX
en Perfect Draw Write Sign, well its not a legal Signing but a image/drawing what is fine. the obligation to verify identity and be accountable for it, is nothing you get for free. But what you get for free is this extension. Ever had to print a pdf that was a scanned in document and you had to print it to fill the blanks scan it again and send back, or export the pages as images and use a image editor to fill it convert it back. Well I did but this extension does it as convenient as the adobe tool ( if you are a paid subscriber ) but so far absolutly free not even a ad. the sign button looked like it would pop up some paywall but no its just the sign canvas that can be accessed from the toolbar but its just easy access. Maybe the decision to give the button "Sign" a poping colortheme is a bit ironic. But tldr moch love and many thanks to all involved makeing the extension.
Игорь Жерноклеев
en Quickly change text and images in PDFs. Very useful tool!
Lina Amosova
en Great for my studies. Easily edit my lecture notes!
Diego Armando
en Really handy for adding notes directly on PDFs! Simple and does the job well 👍️️️️️️
Azar Azar
en Wow, great tool for editing pdfs! Big thanks 🙏
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