Reviews of Popup Blocker (strict)

List of user reviews and ratings for Popup Blocker (strict)

Total ratings

4.43 (Rating count: 962)

Review summary

  • blocks unwanted popups effectively
  • easy to use and set up
  • works on various sites without issues
  • stays free with no paid options
  • excellent user feedback and satisfaction
  • some users report it does not work
  • conflicts with certain bot detection systems
  • needs better functionality for the 'Allow last request' button
  • requires specific settings for optimal performance
  • redirect issues on some sites
Most mentioned
  • works effectively to block popups
  • some functionality issues reported
  • conflicts with certain anti-bot systems
  • users appreciate it being free
  • reported as the best popup blocker available
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Popup Blocker (strict) on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.43
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Rating filters

5 star
75% (357)
4 star
7% (32)
3 star
6% (27)
2 star
3% (15)
1 star
10% (48)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Sajid Hossain
en works. very helpful
Pablo Santos
pt Ao clicar em algum elemento de certos sites, a aba original é redirecionada para outro endereço, enquanto o site que estava acessando abre em uma nova janela. O comportamento esperado seria que a aba original permanecesse no mesmo site, sem ser redirecionada.
en Does not work.
Kittapas Khunbua
en The extension has a problem with the BOT detection system. (such as ReCapcha, Cloudflare) Please fix.
Victor Fabretti
pt Melhor extensão bloqueadora de popup que existe. Entretanto, para o melhor funcionamento da mesma, marque a opção: "Não bloquear solicitações popup da mesma origem".
abdel jawad turkawi
en very good
it perfetto!!! Proprio quello che stavo cercando!!! Veloce e blocca le i siti non desiderati... adoro!!
Saka Guru
en working so great, thanks for great greatfull extension..
Evelyn (Eve)
pt amei!!! é a primeira vez em anos que eu consigo ver vídeos sem abrir mil novas abas
Levi perry
en Finnaly something that works
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