Reviews of Quick JIRA

List of user reviews and ratings for Quick JIRA

Total ratings

4.62 (Rating count: 42)

Review summary

  • Helps users quickly access JIRA tickets
  • Saves time compared to navigating to JIRA manually
  • Works as described and is very useful for support and sales teams
  • Simple and effective extension with positive user experience
  • Enhances productivity with quick issue ID access
  • Omnibox functionality cannot be disabled, causing disruptions
  • Initial setup can be confusing for some users
  • Limited to a single JIRA instance, which is frustrating for users with multiple instances
Most mentioned
  • The extension hijacks the Chrome omnibox
  • Great tool for accessing JIRA quickly
  • Needs support for multiple JIRA instances
  • Very useful for improving workflow and saving time
  • Simplicity and effectiveness of the extension
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.62
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Rating filters

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58% (14)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Chirag Ojha
en Really helpful but please either give a setting to disable Omnibox thing or disable it in code. I had to manually edit the manifest file to disable it. It is very irritating everytime I am searching something starting with 'Jira' it iterfiers and takes it as ticket id.
Tali Luvhengo
en Does what it says on the box.
Mathias Böhmer
en Jumping quickly into tickets works great, thanks. But what's annoying is, that the extension highjacks the chrome omnibox and this cannot be changed/deactivated. Whenever I type "jira" in the chrome address bar, it triggers the quiji search. I never want to use this search.
Martin Lott
en Really useful tool, speeds up my day a lot. Only thing I'd like improved is to be able to have multi-instances of it. My company has 2 instances of JIRA, but can only use this against one of them.
John Schellinger
en Works exactly as described. Nice for copy/paste from emails or commit messages
Chris Noden
en A very handy extension. My one problem is that it's quite common to search google for jira help. As soon as I start typing "jira " into my chrome address bar, this extension does "quiji". It would be handy to be able to turn that functionality off (not sure what it even does).
Conrad Wischnewski
en Great tool. Enhancement: Needs to support more than one JIRA Base URL
en Great tool. Extremely helpful for all those times someone gives you an issue ID only and not the issue link.
Alex Washtell
en Very useful extension that saves a lot of time. However, the inability to disable the omnibox search is frustrating.
Xavier Vasseur
en Thank you ! Much appreciated. Can you please handle in the tool an automatic removal of space '%20' char before and after the JIRA ticket in case of wrong copy/paste selection ?
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