Reviews of Beautify for Trello

List of user reviews and ratings for Beautify for Trello

Total ratings

2.77 (Rating count: 57)

Review summary

  • Allows changing the background color or adding custom images
  • Saves money by providing functionality that could replace Trello Gold
  • Usability options like changing font size and card opacity are available
  • Doesn't work or has become non-functional for many users
  • Compatibility issues with the latest version of Trello
  • Affects Trello experience negatively, causing lag and other bugs
  • Inability to restrict background changes to specific boards
Most mentioned
  • Doesn't work or has become non-functional
  • Background changes affect all boards, not just a single board
  • Compatibility issues with the latest version of Trello
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Beautify for Trello on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 2.77
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Rating filters

5 star
18% (6)
4 star
21% (7)
3 star
12% (4)
2 star
9% (3)
1 star
41% (14)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Allen Hopper
en Fake, prompts you to download a different extension
Curtis Schroeder
en Really bad. Can no longer change background. UI is completely messed up. How do I uninstall this!!??
Andrea Landini
en Doesn't work, sadly
Gaston Nina Sossa
en I really love it. Change the background with my free account is perfect!
Jonathan Schütz
en Used to work well, then was semi-broken, now completely non-functional.
Shaun Strickland
en Not compatible with the latest version of trello. Good idea though. I would give 5 stars if it does what it was said to do.
Melanie Selbach
de Ein Hintergrund für alle. Die Option "nur dieses Board" lässt sich nicht aktivieren. Der gewählte Hintergrund legt sich über alle Boards...
Lily Grozeva
en I have been using your plugin for a year and suddenly last week it disappeared! I did all the reinstall, reboot things couple of times, it is not working. When I hit the Add to Chrome button from the store I see it in the address bar, and when I click on it, it disappears. Any ideas?
2015-11-13 A Google user Hace justo lo que tiene que hacer
Behzad Shabani
en Not good at all
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