Reviews of Neon Genesis Evangelion: Rei and Asuka

List of user reviews and ratings for Neon Genesis Evangelion: Rei and Asuka

Total ratings

4.53 (Rating count: 47)
See reviews for Neon Genesis Evangelion: Rei and Asuka on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.53
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Rating filters

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67% (10)
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7% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Matthew Hill
en Yo, It's good. Kinda hard to see what the tabs say at the top
Игорь Вырик
en color: white;
josue recon
es solo falta hacerla para panorámica y listo
Kaiji Pilled
en very pretty and sleek i love the blue you picked and it's a very nice new tab background very high quality and worth downloading thank you
KenShou Lim
en The text in the bookmark column will not be clear
a aa
en love it
Yuzan Gamer
en It is great but the open Tabs are a bit dark.
Mateus França
nl ruim
Luiz Felipe
es me gusta para reducir la imagen lo hago ctrl + la rueda del raton listo la imagen se que bien
José Henrique
pt Ficou perfeito!!!!
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