
A time table by CCIB

TimeTable - Organize your schedule with ease

TimeTable is a Chrome extension developed by CCIB. It allows users to create and save their schedules, view future timetables, and expand for more space. Export and import functions are also available. Stay organized and on top of your schedule with TimeTable.
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Extension stats

Users: 55
Version: (Last updated: 2022-09-17)
Creation date: 2022-03-24
Risk impact: Very low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 3
  • storage
Size: 7.93K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

It is a Time table with 6 day provide each two weeks (Week A and Week B) 7 days if you press expand Go to Settings to Enter your TimeTable and save it. /!\ It is not alto update (yet) If you want to export your TimeTable, go to setting and go to export, copy all and save as you want. To import exported timetables, go to setting and go to import, place the timetable text and click the Done button.

Update : You can now view future timetable at the home page. Fixed day shift. You can Expand so you can get more space.

Extension safety

Risk impact

TimeTable does not require any sensitive permissions.

Risk likelihood

TimeTable has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.

Upgrade to see risk analysis details

Similar extensions

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