Plants vs Zombies 2 Garden Warfare New Tab
Extension stats
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Extension summary
Install Plants vs Zombies 2 Garden Warfare New Tab and enjoy handpicked HD images of Plants vs Zombies 2 Garden Warfare.
It comes with some cool properties that will improve your New Tab experience like:
- High quality wallpapers with every new tab
- Current Date/Time
- Shortcut links to social networks and shopping websites
We are going to add more feature for you to have better experience on your browser. It's a promise. If you liked the Plants vs Zombies 2 Garden Warfare extension we suggest you to take a look our other extensions. You can reach these extension by visiting
Extension safety
Risk impact
Plants vs Zombies 2 Garden Warfare New Tab requires very minimum permissions.
Risk impact analysis details
- Medium Can alter new tab settings; fairly benign but with some capability to affect user experience.
- Low ******* ****** ** *** ********* ********
Risk likelihood
We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Plants vs Zombies 2 Garden Warfare New Tab. Use it at your own risk.
Risk likelihood analysis details
- Critical This extension is not longer available in the store
Promo images
Similar extensions
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