
Wartune is a Strategy Hybrid MMORPG released by R2games.com. Wartune will keep you coming back for more.

Total ratings

4.30 (Rating count: 159)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great graphics for a browser game
  • Addictive gameplay
  • Easy to play for free and advance through the story line
  • Pleasant surprise in browser-based RPG gaming
  • Good battle system
  • Pay to win model
  • Bugs and connectivity issues
  • Poor customer service
  • Amateur dialogue and typos
  • Lack of account recovery features
Most mentioned
  • Love it
  • Addictive
  • Pay to win
  • Great graphics
  • Customer service issues
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.30
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Rating filters

5 star
72% (33)
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9% (4)
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2% (1)
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4% (2)
1 star
13% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Scots Lass Jen (Yurtle Turtle)
en love it
abdullah al-jasim
en I Love it
Reginaldo Aparecido Zanusso
pt O jogo possui os seus altos e os seus baixos. Mas merece destaque na qualidade oferecida através de suas belíssimas imagens, por ser um jogo voltado ao VIP fica devendo um pouco aos jogadores no quesito de compras de itens assim como muitos outros jogos de navegadores
Nawty Dawg
en My sister been playing for 2years and outta boredom one night a year ago I created (re-incarnated My Warrior from WoW CycoDawg) building up Battle Rating and accumulating the Odds and Ends needs for varous events can get ya down if you're not in a Good Guild. In this past year I have been victimized by the Cashers who Leveled up very quickly and left me far behind They are soft with Marshmellow BR "Squishy" if you will..Patience and Slow Leveling from 72 to 80 get all your materials for your LeVel 80 Epic gear then turn 80 and watch how All the sudden YOU are the Big Dawg on Campus and people with 2 million Battle Rating are wondering how a level 76 with half the BR just walked right over them and thier Buddies LoL
en lameeee
Sandro Kostić
en What to say? You should try it, r2games know how to make a good game :) I have just one big complain on all r2games: they'r all pay2win...
Henry Walker
en This game has a lot of potential, however it would do this company good to hire someone with both talent and skill. For example, the Temple Priestess' name is spelled 2 different ways, and it is very distracting. Your dialogue is less than amateur, and it would not take much to find someone that can write for your games. That is something I could provide myself, but there are also many typos that could have been avoided. I am critical of the dialogue because the artwork is fantastic and the graphics, pleasant. This could be a great game, it just needs a little soul.
Oscar Cornejo
es Se ve interesante, aunque no termina de convencerme del todo pero aceptable
Jack Californian
fr nul ...
Kim Ngân Huỳnh
vi trong nghia thich
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