Highlight Yellow

Imagine your browser ate a million yellow highlighters ... You can easily add your own background to this theme, and make it even…

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2.54 (Rating count: 13)
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Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 2.54
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Катя Вижен
ru Отличная и яркая тема, спасибо за ее создание!
Bard Lord
en This is a virus. I can't remove it. Why is it on Chrome Store?
Seattle Lights
en has virus, can't get off browser
Bijay Sharma
en bad
Rithika Vijayakumar
en DISGUSTING I CANT EVEN SEE?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? such a dissapointment
en Can anyone please tell me how to remove it
Ishu Sama
en U cant see the text at all
en I hate how it covers the words its to bright And I Dont Know How To Remove it
Renato Moraes
en I wish I could see the bookmarks. It seemed so nice in the preview windows. I would rate it 5 stars if it had better contrast.
Amber Adams
en While I love the colors of this Theme, it could use some work. It is extremely hard to see the text for my Bookmarks and the Icons using this Theme, it really strains my eyes trying to see them. It would be wonderful if you could change the color of the Text/Links and the Icons for this Theme and I will rate it 5 stars instead of 4 stars!
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