Learn Alphabet and Numbers

Help preschoolers and kindergarteners learn the alphabet and numbers in a fun, interactive way.

Total ratings

3.00 (Rating count: 55)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Engages toddlers to repeat letters and numbers when spoken
  • Pleasant voice used for pronunciation
  • Very basic graphics and content
  • Fails to maintain children's interest
  • Garbled sound quality
  • Limited functionality and engagement
Most mentioned
  • Boredom experienced by children
  • Basic and unentertaining design
  • Lack of interactive or engaging elements
See reviews for Learn Alphabet and Numbers on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 3.00
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Rating filters

5 star
8% (1)
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17% (2)
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17% (2)
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58% (7)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Darlene B
en Its so basic; nothing to keep my 3 year old to entertained to pay attention.
so Sandy
en boring! installed it, checked it, will now have to un-install it.
Lina c.t
es ojala estuviera en español
Kamaljot Singh
en Super boring for kids!!!
A Google user
en Super boring, VERY basic graphics. I couldn't stand to hear the letters pronounced because it was a little garbled and dull, robotic. Just don't waste your time.
Mr truthali original Truthali
en rubish
Matutiru Tirula
id cukup bagus sayang harus online
Sarah-Jane Deakin
en Boring, Boring, Boring!!
Joe Landrigan
en This app may help a child memorize the names if they can maintain interest in it, but it doesn't attempt to help them know the sounds the letters make, and doesn't keep interest very well. The voice used is pleasant, but needs to trigger when something other than the musical note is clicked.
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