Crossword Fun

Crossword Fun brings you a collection of Crossword Puzzles to satisfy all ages

Total ratings

3.98 (Rating count: 259)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful for practicing vocabulary.
  • Amusing mainly, despite errors.
  • Some users enjoyed the game.
  • Many repeated clues and questions across puzzles.
  • Inaccurate answers and misspellings in clues.
  • Too easy; lacks challenge.
  • Limited categories with poor options.
Most mentioned
  • Repeated clues and questions.
  • Inaccurate answers.
  • Limited categories and options.
  • Clues with misspellings.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 3.98
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Rating filters

5 star
17% (7)
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5% (2)
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12% (5)
2 star
19% (8)
1 star
48% (20)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Rosie Gange
en I uninstalled it after 1 crossword because so many questions were repeated for each puzzle I looked at. Also some answers were inaccurate.
Pichet BPA
en It is useful for practicing vocabulary.
Katy Dowrie
en only had 4 options for puzzles and the answers were the same every time. I was disappointed.
Gordon Gengler
en correct letters never come up. Dumped it
Squalle Squ
en Just a link to their website. And the game is made in Flash.
Pam Baldwin
en it was ok
Connor Peckham
en looks to be a lot of fake reviews. the only real reviews come after a couple of 5-star reviews which were all posted within 5 days of eachother. there's no way this could have ever been rated as high as it is while still being as bad as it is.
Sasha Titus
en "A collection of crossword puzzles" apparently means 4 categories and if you don't know much about computers you're stuck with either general or animals. Clues are not all correct. Neither is the spelling they accept.
latoia scarlett
en their so easy and their not hard to do
-=]-[=- ™
en Repeating Clues. Good for one try per category.
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