Fall Spades

Fall Spades is sure to get you through the cooler months!

Total ratings

4.56 (Rating count: 9)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.43
All time rating average: 4.56

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71% (5)
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14% (1)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
John Horak
en fun
Derrick French Sr
en I enjoy the game greatly. Two complaints: when I'm playing expert, the other players, especially my partner plays very poorly. It makes me want to change partners. Also, why does my partner throw the very highest spade she has when taking a trick with no spades and she is breaking spades? None of the other players does that. It makes no sense.
Andrej Mulej
sl Dobra igra, ki prisili možgane k malemu šahiranju. Moti me le, da ni statistike : kolikrat sem igral, kolikokrat zmagal.
gregory rogers
en ADA is a waist! No person would ever play a hand as ADA does! However it is amusing and good practice.
Pamela Langhart
en Adore!
Al Perez
en Fun play for practice, medium is not very challenging.
roger platt
en CPU playes well. I enjoy game very well!