Interstellar Wallpapers New Tab
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Extension summary
Download the Interstellar Wallpapers New Wallpapers New Tab extension, change the appearance of your browser and get new features. With Interstellar Wallpapers New Wallpapers Custom new tab extension, you can give your browser a new look and additional features.
Interstellar Wallpapers New Wallpapers Custom new tab extension features.
- Interstellar Wallpapers New Wallpapers Custom wallpapers in new tab.
- Personal search engine (
- Date and time
- Popular games window.
- Ebay, amazon, instagram etc.
- Shortcuts in NewTab (Amazon, ebay, instagram etc.)
By installing and using Interstellar Wallpapers New Wallpapers Custom New tab, you automatically accept the User Agreement and the Privacy Policy
The extension can automatically allow browser notifications on any websites and send browser notifications at any time.
Extension safety
Risk impact
Interstellar Wallpapers custom new tab requires very minimum permissions.
Risk impact analysis details
- Medium Can alter new tab settings; fairly benign but with some capability to affect user experience.
- Low ******* ****** ** *** ********* ********
Risk likelihood
Interstellar Wallpapers custom new tab is very likely to contain malware and should not be trusted. Avoid installing.
Risk likelihood analysis details
- Critical This extension was removed from the store due to potentially_uws
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