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Total ratings

3.71 (Rating count: 85)
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Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.71
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Mikaela M
en Does not fit the whole screen so there are white bars at the side
Cara Filipeli
en It's summer and horribly hot, I have autumn to look forward to.
ahmed Homood
en god
Brandy Milligan
en very blurry when applied
Enikő Hajzerné
hu Nem elég éles a kép.
2014-11-24 A Google user Wallpaper picture in New Tab not as big as my screen. On maximized chrome's window the picture doesn't cover the entire tab
A Google user
en Wallpaper picture in New Tab not as big as my screen. On maximized chrome's window the picture doesn't cover the entire tab
виталик иванович
ru не очень.
katia regina sabino
pt bom interessante.
Саша Бабаев
ru ГОВНО!!!!!! Показано как хорошая фотография с красивым разришением а на деле ...............
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