Add pinyin to Chinese text.

Add pinyin to Chinese text.

Pin Yin is a great way to learn Chinese. It detects the largest block of Chinese text on a page, gets rid of everything else, and…

Total ratings for Add pinyin to Chinese text.
2.27 (Rating count: 11)
See reviews for Add pinyin to Chinese text. on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Add pinyin to Chinese text.
Recent rating average: 2.43
All time rating average: 2.27
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
pinyin 을 한자 밑에 표시할 수 없나요?
2019-10-17 jessie nlp I cannot use it.. Is it really can work?
Shan He
Shan He
I really wish this worked too. Please fix!
2015-01-20 Chin Ket Loh Does not seem to work.
Nathan Cain
Nathan Cain
I would like this to work. That is why I gave it two stars. Unfortunately it isn't working on my macbook.
2012-07-24 A Google user How about the choice of numbered pinyin or tone marks, I hate numbered pinyin. Also instead of opening a new window why not have a pop up showing the pinyin. Will rate 5* if these changes were to happen. Until then I just use pop up dictionaries that already have these functions. Good start but needs to improve...
Robert Wang
Robert Wang
I'm fluent in spoken Chinese but have trouble reading. This lets me read online Chinese books comfortably on my Kindle.