Reviews of Minesweeper

List of user reviews and ratings for Minesweeper

Total ratings

3.21 (Rating count: 33)

Review summary

  • Great nostalgic feel, reminiscent of the classic Minesweeper game
  • Free to use and works offline
  • Simple gameplay without extra features like power-ups, maintaining the classic experience
  • Visually appealing, replicating the look and feel of older versions
  • Issues with scaling and zoom options, making gameplay difficult
  • Occasional bugs with numbers, leading to incorrect game states
  • Display problems, with some users unable to see the whole puzzle
  • Lack of features such as quick flag and clear functions
Most mentioned
  • Problems with zoom and scaling
  • Incorrectly displayed numbers leading to frustration
  • Nostalgic feel and appearance resembling classic Minesweeper
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 3.21
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Rating filters

5 star
33% (6)
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22% (4)
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11% (2)
1 star
28% (5)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en I Like To Play The Og minesweeper Thank You So MUCH!
Len Kowalik
en When I opened it, it wasn't even as big as an image for a phone screen, just a square without the whole grid. Didn't know how to fix that. Nothing for a full screen that I could see.
en When I set the scale the zoom from 200 to 100 it makes it impossible to change the settings.
Thom Davis
en Doesn't show whole puzzle. BUG
R Hamilton
en Just what I wanted, but I need a microscope to use it. Too small to be useful.
en Works great!
Ian Bacon
en Great, Free, and able to use offline!
Tyler Briceno
en Brings back memories of the ancient times...
spaghetti Last name
en i love the game mine sweeper but this version has lots of problems such as the numbers being off and also the odd zoom amounts. the thing that really made me wright this review is when i was playing on expert on my last 3 bombs one of the numbers displayed it wrong and i lost i might just be angry from it but if i were you i would just download it from some where else but if you really want this version for some reason it is a fun game
Mitchell Williams
en would be nice to have a 150% zoom for the big (custom) level (24x30). the 100% makes it too small, mouse keeps clicking on spaces we didn't want to click (mines). the 200% makes it so big it gose off the screen so you can't see the whole field(most of the bottom).....could you make a 150% zoom option???
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