Plagiarism Checker for Chrome

Check Plagiarism by just selecting text..

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2.85 (Rating count: 13)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.89
All time rating average: 2.85

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33% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Sarah Lanicek
Did not work at all... Did not show up when I double clicked like it said it would.
Shand Shen
The service was slower than snot. Ads all over my face once I paused my AdBlock. Well I understand you had to make money, but guess what will "We are not sons of Bill Gates" get you?
Mallika Ghosh
at first it was really good but as the time went i don't know what happened it just stopped working.
Pedro Montecillo
nice tool
Dana Vento
I really was hoping this was going to work, but, it was slower than getting molasses out of a jar and just would not pass 17% which took so long to just get to that point. I did not give it too many words to check, instead fewer, and nothing. It seems to have gotten stuck. Just gave up!
Taylor J
would not work
MR Jason
So much better then other tools.
Ahmad Sattar
Used this tool and found it very useful. Sometime we don't have time to find the source of a text. Using this its easy. High recommended if you are looking for quick plagiarism checking solution.
Vanessa Kreis
Great tool. Worked easily and has a lot of flexibility because of the simple interface. I only wish there were something that would let you highlight text and view it on the same page rather than navigating away. Overall, I highly recommend for a quick check of a source or piece of writing.