3 Tabs Only

Allows a maximum of 3 open tabs

Total ratings

4.71 (Rating count: 17)

Review summary

  • Helps users stay focused and productive
  • Does exactly what it promises
  • Helpful for users who usually have too many tabs open
  • Inability to control the number of tabs one can open
  • Annoying popup when you open the fourth tab
  • No start/stop option
Most mentioned
  • Increased productivity
  • Helps to reduce stress
  • Need for more customizable options
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.71
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Rating filters

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85% (11)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Abdulla Salama
en Hey just wanted to say amazing extension rly nice concept!! Been using it for a few months now. Could you update the links for the script though, I want to change the tab limit to 5 bcz I have a timer and other stuff on the side besides the main tasks im working on. says the file you have requested doesn't exist for now
Nithin Jawahar
en I'm used to having atleast 40+ tabs open at any given time. But when I wanna get serious work done, this is very distracting and kills my productivity. So I searched for an extension that would let me have only a few tabs open and I'm thankful I stumbled upon this. I realize how much easily distracted I am after using this extension. Kudos to the developer for helping to stay focused.
Myracle Hiskey (Myra she/they)
en Thank you for creating this! This explains why I have been so stressed lately because I had too many tabs open. Thank you creator! (also i would be super happy if you replied :)
en Would be nice if I could choose between 1,2 or 3 max tabs
Rishabh Dev (Rish)
en One of my favorite productivity hacks! I've also featured this on my video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_SZnjp8gCw Thanks for creating this
Hà Lương
en Love it. But 3 tab per windows. I can open multiple windows.Hope u make a control dashboard for more options
Dream Team
en I love this
David De Sa
en Does what it says it'll do! But will it really build a wall to prevent foreign tabs from stealing your bandwidth and hard earned RAM?
Reza Khonsari
en the perfect extension for getting things done!
Trần Khanh Huỳnh
en Focus on fewer tasks? Nope. The annoying popup every time I open the fourth tab is ANNOYING. You should disable the new tab button instead.
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