Slack Font Changer

Slack Font Changer

An extension that will allow you to change the default font used in Slack, and separately the font used in code blocks

Additional files are visible only to premium users


  "update_url": "",
  "manifest_version": 3,
  "name": "Slack Font Changer",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "An extension that will allow you to change the default font used in Slack, and separately the font used in code blocks",
  "background": {
    "service_worker": "src/pages/background/index.js",
    "type": "module"
  "action": {
    "default_popup": "src/pages/popup/index.html",
    "default_icon": "icon-34.png"
  "icons": {
    "128": "icon-128.png"
  "permissions": [
  "web_accessible_resources": [
      "resources": [
      "matches": [