Slim Lists for Trello

Shows you more lists in Trello by reducing the width of lists in Trello by up to 50%

Total ratings

4.08 (Rating count: 60)

Review summary

  • Allows for more columns on the screen without scrolling.
  • Very helpful for managing multiple lists.
  • Saves time and improves efficiency when using Trello.
  • Has stopped working for many users.
  • No updates since 2015, leading to concerns about support.
  • Lacks customization options like toggle switches and minimum/maximum width settings.
Most mentioned
  • Stopped working
  • Great tool for Trello
  • Requests for updates or fixes
  • Need for customization features
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.08
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6% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Dean Rackley
en This was a great tool...but is no longer working and maybe is no longer supported (last update was 2015) Too bad.
Artur Wojton
en Great but has stopped working, please update.
Terry Gaston
en Excellent extension for Trello allowing many more columns on your screen without having to scroll back and forth. But it also stopped working for us today. Hopefully there is a fix soon. Thanks!
Logan Susnick
en This was a lifesaver for our 20+ lists on one board. But it stopped working for me a couple of days ago. I am using Chrome v116 on an older Mac OS (10.13.6) so maybe it's related to that. Still... I miss it.
Philippe BARRAUD
fr Très utile !
Antônio Cleofas
pt não deu nem pra ver pra que serve isso.. tem tanta coisa desse tal de trello que vira confusão
Simon Raistrick
en Great but please add a simple on-off toggle, and width option, thanks.
Sunny South Guys
en Works without a problem and comes in very handy if you have just a little too many lists, but not too many.
Peter Duff
en Amazing. I was almost thinking I was going to have to find an alternative but this saved Trello for me
Marek Šlahor
en Excellent and very helpful, but it would be great if there was an option to set the minimum width of a list. I've been usiong few different computers and on some of them the lists are simply too narrow and the cards are quite hard to read without opening. What's more annoying is the fact, that I see only the 1st word from the name of the lists (if the list name has more than 10-12 characters). In my case it would really help to have an option to set the list min. width to 60-70% (instead of harcoded 50%) Anyway, THANKS A MILLION for this handy plugin, it is a great help!
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