Princess Theme

Princess Theme by Delshad Barzanji:-)

Total ratings

4.36 (Rating count: 50)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.36
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jakub Nowak
pl jakub nowak
Charlotte O'Sullivan
en Looks nice, but is not normal size on my laptop - it had zoomed in too large
Geramy King
en coo wish there was a male version
Shelitta Green
en this is awesomely beauty-ful
Katrina Sumtsova
en to big for the screan
Rei Shadow
en Love it, but when I was looking for it, I searched for Princess Mononoke, not princess. Change the title you will get more people.
mariantom oliveira
pt lindao o melhor q ja vi
Angélica Rosas
es A simple vista se veía como que tenía que ver con los indios americanos pero al tener ella sangre en la boca me hace sentir que se refiere más a algo sobre una mujer lobo.
paulo campos sousa
pt muito bonito gostei
Ayanna'Malae 333 (Mahoganystic Mystic)
en It fits the entire layout, which magnifies its beauty.
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