Disable YouTube Watch Later Autoplay

Watch individual videos that you saved for later without autoplaying all of them.

Total ratings

4.24 (Rating count: 25)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Controls YouTube's autoplay behavior effectively on various browsers.
  • Works as intended for some users, allowing them to watch a single video without automatic progression to the next.
  • Helps users avoid distractions while they want to engage with content.
  • Highly appreciated by users who want to read comments or take a break after finishing a video.
  • Does not work consistently for many users across different browsers and systems.
  • Some users report issues with the removal of '&list=WL' from the URL.
  • Functionality stops working after a period, possibly linked to updates in YouTube or the browser.
  • Some users noted that it works better in specific cases, such as needing to open videos in new tabs.
Most mentioned
  • The extension often fails to work for many users across different setups.
  • Users express gratitude when the extension works as intended.
  • The extension provides significant relief for users frustrated by YouTube's autoplay feature.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.24
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Anton Pavlov (Tony)
en Unfortunately doesn't work. Videos are still opening with "&list=WL&index=" params.
Jay Gatto
en Quietly controls YT's firing off all over the place. Seems as good on Opera, Brave, and Edge ...and Firefox! Many thanks to the developer.
Alexey Petrovich
en It doesn't work, unfortunately. The latest version of macOS, the latest version of Chrome. I installed the plugin, but after the video ends, the next one automatically starts playing, meaning nothing has changed in the behavior of the default player.
Humberto Hernandez (HZero)
es Es increíble que YouTube DAÑA (por poner una palabra bonita) algo en el funcionamiento de la web, y tengo que recurrir a una extensión para arreglarlo. Funciona tal cual dice el nombre. Ni mas, ni menos. Hace su trabajo. Es una manía la de estar conectado. ¿Termina un video? Anda, toma otro, no respires, no pienses.... consume (y yo solo quiero verme un video de mi Watch Later)
Mikhail Molodozhenov (Mishamol)
ru Очень удобно, когда хочешь посмотреть только одно видео. Я пользуюсь функцией "Удалить просмотренные" и поэтому мне нужно, чтобы лишние видео не были отмечены просмотренными
Felina Faerlaingal
en Was working well a few days ago, but stopped working now. I'm not sure if it's a youtube update, or a browser update that did it.
Marian Melinte
en Excellent! Now I can continue watching videos without having to load the playlist every time. I don't think they've tested to see how bad it is to watch a video when the playlist has ~1k videos. I'm not sure how many are actually added in the playlist next to the video, but it's enough to freeze the entire page (except the video) so that I can't interact with anything for a couple seconds.
en sadly it does not work for me. its not removing the &list=WL from the URL. I use vivaldi though, so its barely a mainstream browser, even if it technically supports webstore extensions
Dimaz Sembodo
en Thanks for this, Jeff! It works on both Chrome & Brave, though on Brave it only works if you open the Watch Later in a new tab instead of from clicking the Watch Later in the sidebar. Edit: it works fine on Brave if you disable Brave Shields
Petter Jakob
en THANK YOU, for doing what YouTube should have been doing 15 years ago
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